~ Sea-Green Financial Services ~
Follow the Winners: Business Owners, Financial officers and Individuals
who are seeking a financial partner consistently choose to work with
financially knowledgeable people – who possess the business acumen
and integrity of keeping her clients’ best interests uppermost.
Marcie Green, founder of ~Sea-Green Financial Services~ easily meets
these criteria. A former research analyst in the Investment Banking world,
Marcie teaches that “Cash Flow” is not just a word in an accounting glossary
or an annual report. — Cash Flow is the lifeblood of your business!
Without it, you’re in mere ‘survival mode,’ or worse – out of business.
Case in Point: A Staffing Agency we know had their work flow functioning
pretty well a while back. But they lost ground big time when their single
source of funding suddenly dried up. By the time they finished delaying their
decision to use our Invoice Funding source for a juicy cash infusion, they
wound up no longer eligible to receive any cash Funding. A lost opportunity! – Second Lost Opportunity: After you’ve used invoice funding (Factoring)
for a while and your business has grown to a higher level, you can often
negotiate better terms. But first get started with this Alternative Financing
option while you still qualify!
Choosing Sea-Green Financial Services gets you what Banks can’t:
• Quick, Flexible cash funding – whenever you need it
• No searching for quotes – all over directories and the web
• ‘Liberates’ cash otherwise “tied up” – in your Accounts Receivable
• Reliable, accessible and supportive – professional Funding sources
• No monthly payments because – you do Not incur any added debt!
Want Your Business to Flourish? It Will when you can Easily…
♦- handle more and larger clients
♦- accept a sudden rush of new orders
♦- act decisively on new business opportunities
♦- meet normal operating costs as they come due
♦- replenish inventory or add staff whenever you need to
♦- broaden your advertising & marketing, online and off line
♦- raise more business more quickly and with far less hassle!
So, whether you’re a Startup or a Well Established Business, when you
use our ‘professional partnering’ techniques… you’ll no longer be chasing
after money owed to you. You’ll be the envy of your competitors: you’ll have
the time, energy and financial resources to focus intensely on what you’re
good at – bringing in more business and greater profits.
Call: Marcie Green at ~ 818/ 594-1272 ~
E-mail: Marcie@seagreen4cashflow.com
website: ~ SeagreenFinancial.com ~
Where Water flows, a Garden grows.
Where Money Flows, a Business Grows!