
My Biz Blog – Tips & Training

  ‘Highest Authority’ Recommendation

“Hi Marcie!
I’m launching another teleseminar, which I love to do, but am running into a snag.  As I pondered the solution, I asked God what to do.
           And he said, “ask Marcie.”
So my long-time friend, you have been recommended by the highest authority!


Wow! That’s the best testimonial anyone could ask for:
being recommended by  the ‘Highest Authority.’
.  And that was also the beginning of a long-lasting
friendship with a wonderful coach and mentor, Ann
Convery.  She’s the author of “Speak Your Business
in 30 Seconds or Less
” and – “You’re So Brilliant,
Why Aren’t they buying?” –

And now, fast forward to 2016.

Seagreen Financial Services continues to… Get CASH for Businesses.  That is, when they can’t get financing from ‘traditional’ banking sources, or don’t want to go through the tedious rigmarole of masses of financials, supporting documentation, collateral, and long waiting period by decision committees.

Short term

Some financing can be provided to businesses within a day or so after initial
setup – and that would encompass Invoice Funding, aka FACTORING. No other
collateral needed – just your invoices maa’m.

Another quick financing resource is REVENUE BASED FUNDING (RBF), which
as the name implies, is based on the revenues generated by your business.  It’s
short-term financing (6 – 18 months) that can be obtained within a week’s time.

Longer term – there’s…

  ♦   Unsecured Business Funding,
  ♦   SBA Term Loans,
  ♦   Business-Directed Retirement Funding (BDRF), and
  ♦   N E W…  ♦ Commercial Real Estate lending – from $100k – $5 million!

But Wait, there’s More!  

More knowledge.  More Tips of the Trade, More Business & Financial Resources… that you can to latch onto right now.

 If you’re here for Financing Ideas, Credit Info and Funding Options, you’ve come to the right place. Sea-Green Financial Services has been in business since the mid-2000’s, and my experience has been as a   ♦ stockbroker,  ♦ Securities Analyst,    ♦ Office Administrator,  ♦ Paralegal and  ♦ Entrepreneur.

That background places me in a good position to evaluate a variety of expert and useful resources for businesses that can help you to finance your business the smart way and grow your business quickly.

Which brings us to the Question:  Do you know what is the most important resource every business cannot to do without?   

     That’s right.   ∴ CASH   and  ∴ CASH FLOW. 

But the burning questions that business owners ask daily is:

•  “How do I get hold of this critically important financial resource?”
•  “Who can provide me with financial options that make sense for my business?”
•  “Where do I go when my receivables are growing by my cash flow is slowing?”
•  “What if my credit is not so hot or if I had a bankruptcy in the past?”

Well, as a colleague of mine recently articulated upon introducing me:
“If your banker is mean, call Marcie Green”

That resonated with so many people, I just had to share it with you here.

Here’s what’s important:  Funding Is Available!

Not from banks, however.  Regulations, restrictions and piles of financial and other documentation are still so rigid that they’re  putting the kabosh too many smaller business that are still in ‘recovery phase’ from the recent recession.

Ah, but thankfully, many Alternative kinds of Funding are available for businesses of all sizes and almost all industries.  These valid and long-standing “Alternatives”  are increasingly being used by more and more businesses – who now find themselves able to handle the larger size orders that are coming their way. This greater funding availability has kept them out of financial chaos and has given them more time to bring in more sales while keeping their operations running smoothly.

For instance, Not long ago, our client, Jack, found himself
in a “Catch 22” predicament. He couldn’t qualify for a large
government contract unless he could show he had the financial
capability to handle it. Yet he was shut out of financing from
traditional lending sources – because he couldn’t show them a
record of top financial strength for the prior several years.

♦ So how did we help him? We got him funding in 48 hours. And
   then, ten days later he won that $80,000 government contract! 

See #6 – for the Nitty Gritty of Alternative Funding: FACTORING.


#3 – “Oh, wow! … Do you think My Business could do the same?” 

Well, as a typical Philadelphia attorney (who I worked for several lifetimes ago) would say, ‘Possibly, but that all depends.’ 

First, a few realities to consider.   And here’s the rub:  Did you know that Business Owners who are suffering through cash flow problems are spending a good ►50% of their time seeking out and  actually scrounging around for… funding? 

They could make it so much simpler for themselves. They could open up their minds a bit, look at what Jack did (see #2 post) – and go out and get 70%-80% of what they bill out for – in 2 short days, not 2 long months!

To ‘bill out’ is to send invoices to customers and expect their payment in a reasonable amount of time. “Reasonable” used to be within 10 to 30 days. In today’s credit-squeezed times, as you probably know, customers themselves are extending out that time horizon further and further. 

And, of course, these delays are causing a ripple effect reverberating back to the original supplier or distributor of those goods and services. And if you and I are those  suppliers, then you and I, in turn, are forced to delay payments to our own suppliers.   

This ’round robin’ of delays all too often results in loss of business. How so?

♦ If you can’t pay on time, you stand to lose a good deal of the
   buying clout you had enjoyed for years. Getting the picture?

♦ This could put you out of the running against your competition.  

Not exactly the position you chose to be in as you continued to grow your business, is it? 

We’ll be discussing some of the ways to guard against such happenstance in future posts.  Meantime,…


#4 – Let’s glimpse into what our Financing Resources can do:  

Recently a Non-profit organization found itself caught up in
a Cash flow Gap trap: Their prime ‘customer,’ a municipality,
suddenly informed them that they’d be paying their invoices
not in 20 days but in 50 days!

.  So what were they supposed to do for cash flow in the ensuing month?

– Fortunately, our Factoring source was able to get them
funding in 2 days,
and their immediate financing problem
was resolved. Phew! – No interruption of payroll or major
payable accounts.

As promised, these suggestions work well in averting Cash Flow shortfalls: 

  » For one, tighten up your credit limitations to new as well as existing

  »  For another, set up an ‘early warning’ system to call and remind
customers that their payments are coming due in the next few days.

   »  Then too, offer your clients a nice Discount if they pay right away, or
within the next 10 to 15 days.  – This signals to your clients that you’re a
‘good guy.’ But even more important, it brings in money to you faster.

   Note:  Even if not many of your clients take advantage of 
               your offer, don’t chuck the idea. Some of them will.

Then, of course, (OK, here comes the real lowdown), you could use the  non-traditional financing method long used by large corporations over many decades. One of the terrific things you’d have going for you is that — your own credit standing is NOT the crucial element that counts the most in deciding whether to provide you financing. 

More commonly, it’s the credit-worthiness of your clientele that counts more heavily to specialized alternative financiers. Novel idea, yes? Business owners love to hear this, so it bears repeating. It’s the creditworthiness of your clients, not your own financial situation, that weighs more heavily in the eyes (and wallets) of alternative funding sources. Makes sense, doesn’t it?
{See the end of #6 below for more detail.**}     $$$$ Strength –►                                                                       

#5 – Alternative Funding personified  –

Another good thing about the specialized funding we’re discussing here is that there’s so little red tape! Why is that, you ask?  Because it’s not a loan process, so no debt is incurred. It’s a more straight-forward type of funding.

In other words, even if you’re not currently ‘bankable,’
your company may well be‘fundable.’♦  And if that’s
the case, our Funding companies are anxious to (work
their tails off to) see that you get some much needed cash
in a much needed hurry.

The owners of these funding companies… are for the most part independent business people, not hired hands with committees to report to and ponder over whether your firm meets their strict and very limiting rules and regulations.  

In fact, several of these companies had successfully used invoice funding themselves – in their prior businesses – BEFORE getting into the alternative funding arena. So they know well the intricacies of this kind of financing from both sides of the aisle. That’s why they’re so good at what they do. Having access to consistent Cash Flow allowed them to grow their own businesses rapidly, to the point where they were offered a premium to buy them out.  And so they accepted the offers. 

With the knowledge of how well their businesses flourished when they had access to cash payments almost overnight (versus waiting for delayed payments from customers) – when they themselves were ready to enter another business, it was ‘a natural’ for them to choose the Alternative Funding business route.  You could say that one success follows another.

That’s precisely why Funding Professionals know intimately how cash flow crunches and tight money cycles can quickly cause company-wide crises. They also know that many entrepreneurs and business people today (unfortunately) lack the specific education and knowledge of finance complexities required in today’s highly digitized world which they possess.

For that reason, in addition to adding financial resources to businesses, our funders also offer sound advice & information along with other valuable amenities (which we’ll talk about a little later) that traditional lenders either cannot or do not provide. 

Bottom line, funding companies are in business to help viable companies flourish. And that’s why I so much like working with them.

 **Re the last paragraph of #4 above: The Factor will be collecting the moneys from your clients. 

#6. – The Nitty Gritty of this Alternative Financing thing. 

Q:  OK, so why do we keep calling the services under discussion

         “Alternative Financing”?

  A:  We use the term Alternative Financing to encompass a whole
.        host of non-traditional or Non-Bank financing. One category

.        is Factoring and its counterpart, Purchase Order Funding.

         Another category involves Legal /Litigation Funding. Still another
.        category in which we’re involved includes Unsecured Funding,
.        Revenue-based
Funding, and the latest addition, CrowdFunding. 

For now, we’re focusing on Factoring. What a Factoring company (sometimes referred to as a Funding Source) does… is provide a way for businesses to accelerate getting paid now instead of waiting 30, 60 or 90 days or more after they send out invoices to their customers. 

The PROCESS works like this: The funding source actually purchases qualified invoices that a company such as yours sends to customers after you’ve completed the work for them. This applies to both Services you’ve provided as well as Products you shipped.

The Factor advances the money to you within a quick 2 days (sometimes less) after you send out your invoices. He then waits to receive payment from those customers, and remits that money to you less his fee for this advance.  So you never have to sweat meeting deadlines to pay your Factoring company. It’s all worked into the process.

    This helps you in a multitude of ways!  First, you now have the
biggest of two chunks (at least 70%-80% or more) of the money due you
from customers in
your hands. You are now free to use this “instant
working capital” to…     

  => get discounts from suppliers by paying them early
. => pay down some of your high-premium credit card or other debt
. => relieve the anxiety of sweating-out meeting payroll or tax deadlines
. => ramp up your advertising and marketing campaigns
. => generate more invoices that will bring in even more ready cash
. => expand your facilities, your staff and your overall business
. => and enjoy a more efficient and profitable organization

As one Staffing Agency we worked with put it:

“We were delighted to experience getting our customer payments
faster than we ever thought possible.”  And not only did this new
financing method help enormously in their ability to take on a
load of new business, but it relieved a lot of tension among their
personnel, who were concerned that they themselves would soon
have to be looking for a new job. Ah, the rewards of better financing!


#7. – So far so good.  So What’s the Downside to Factoring?     

Well, that depends on your point of view and your business situation.  From a Funder’s viewpoint or that of a Consultant (like myself), there’s very little downside.

That’s because we all work with each other to get the best deal for our clients and their customers. 

In instances where there appears to be some downside, it often comes from a new client’s unfamiliarity with the factoring process and not understanding how the all-inclusive ANCILLARY SERVICES translate into huge advantages over what traditional lenders offer.

For instance, banks historically look askance at businesses with poor financial showings or losses in recent years. (One wonders if they’ve  been oblivious to the world’s financial and economic woes of recent past years.)

Nor do they take much interest in a company’s back office operations or providing continuous monitoring of existing as well as new customers. [If they did, they’d likely save themselves and their borrowers tons of money-losing commitments.]  Their primary interest is: “can you and will you pay back their loans?”

♦  By contrast, a Factor well understands the hardships that businesses undergo, and they look primarily at the pay-back ability of a company’s Customers and Clients. If a Factor is satisfied that your “credit-worthy” customers have the ability to pay the factored invoices on time, the factoring advance can be accomplished in no time flat – like, in 2 days!

Alarming Headline:
Here’s a bit of a dilemma, however. Because fewer regulations are required of and by factors, invoice funding is nonetheless a financing transaction!  That means the Factoring companies themselves still have to answer to a higher authority – their own banking and other private financing sources. So guess what:  they too are subject to surprise audits at any time!


# 8 – Today’s Reality

Business people have been used to dealing with bank services since the millennium and for the most part, have gotten bank loans in years past without a lot of hassle (though not without a lot of waiting). So they’re familiar with the overall banking procedures. 

However, if they’ve never worked with a Factor, they’ve been known to . . .

    ♦- misconstrue new terminology and the discounting process,
.   ♦- have misconceptions about factoring rates,
.   ♦- shun having to learn different types of procedures,
.   ♦- be reluctant to deliver financial information about their company or

        customers in a timely manner,
.   ♦- shop around a bit too much for their own good… not knowing that

        the multiple bids they think they get from different funding sources
        are none other than from the same company.  – How’s that? – Yes, it’s
        the result of companies using different names on the internet. 
Today, given the non-availability of traditional loans, many a businessman’s outlook is a bit soured. But after a while, when reality and reason sets in, and after education about the less restrictive qualifications and greater flexibility of “alternative” financing and how the systems work, he or she soon becomes adept at overcoming prior prejudices.

From this point on, the business owner can readily get down to brass tacks and determine whether this kind of competitive funding is right for their business. In other words, astute business people with an open mind usually ‘get it’ without a whole big to-do (technical term), and move on toward making an informed decision.  

 #9. – So, What Else is New in the Our Industry? 

Glad you asked.  For openers, Factoring has been around since the millennium.  And it’s generally available today for all kinds of businesses and organizations of all sizes – from a one-person corporation or LLC to large multi-division companies.

The TYPES of Businesses using Factoring vary all the way from… Manufacturers, to… Distributors, to…Wholesalers, to…Retailers (new), to… Service Providers, including Professional Services. – Except for Retailers, these are all companies that sell products and services to other Businesses or to Government agencies. In the trade they’re referred to as B2B or B2G.  The funding process for Retailers will be discussed a little later.  (But see “Our Services” on this website for an overview of this niche area.)

   So These B2B Companies can include….

      ♦  apparel,  home furnishings,  computer hardware & computer
         software,  office equipment, sports equipment, as well as…
     ♦  medical-related products,  engineering & design firms,  staffing 
         agencies (office staff, nursing staff, etc.), plus…
     ♦  trucking companies,  machine shops,  steel fabricators, and even…
     ♦  small and huge-sized industrial equipment.

In other words, if you provide goods or services to other Businesses or to Government agencies “on terms” (credit terms), and you generate invoices for work you completed for them, those invoices are ‘factorable.’ 

Two exceptions these days are Physician services and Construction. Why? Mainly because their businesses are more complex, and either involve 3rd-party billing or billing for work still “in progress” (work not yet completed). While funding for these businesses is doable, their higher risk comes with a higher price tag.

» I’ll bet you’re wondering how Factoring compares with Bank rates, aren’t you?  – –
» Well, that’s a question for a whole separate article.  Call 818/ 594-1272 to request a copy or e-mail Marcie@seagreenfinancial.com to receive your copy.

Suffice it to say that in today’s business setting, savvy businesspeople know you’ve got to compare more than just rates. The big QUESTION is:  Can you get traditional financing for your business in the first place? …And if so, will you be able to maintain all the requirements and covenants for the life of the loan – beyond making the mandated monthly payments?

Meantime, enjoy the holidays and look for some economic improvement.


Happy New Year!


 —————   § § §  ————–

#10. – Quality firms do business with Quality Companies  

Happy New Year Everyone!  The good news is that things are beginning to look up – especially for quality businesses.

Have you ever noticed that… Quality seeks out Quality – in all kinds of endeavors? Quality people like and understand people like themselves and look forward to doing business with them. That’s what good relationships are built on. And these day, relationships count higher than salesmanship. 

When quality people encounter those they don’t trust, for real or assumed  reasons, they shy away from them, even if it means losing some business. – – Passing up some business that ‘smells like trouble from the get-go’ will not only avert future hassles but keep you from running head-first into double trouble in the long run. – [Does that last comment conjure up a past troubling encounter? Lesson learned? Good.]

This certainly holds true in the world of Factoring and invoice financing. As a business owner, you certainly want to check out sources of funding, and well you should. What you may not know, however, is that when you’re shopping for MULTIPLE BIDS or QUOTES in this Industry, what you don’t know may hurt you, or at best, keep you from getting a legit bid in the first place.  Here’s why:

FYI, the world of “Quality Alternative Financing Firms” is a rather
close-knit community. When business people shop around for
“the best deal” – all well and good. But when these same business
owners fail to own up to the fact that they’ve been turned down by
several factoring firms, that’s not only an immediate problem – it
could pose a veritable impasse for them.

For, when they come to Consultants like us (at Sea-Green Financial )
to help them and fail to be straight-forward and up-front with us, we
find it out
pretty quickly. Trying to hide that information not only

leaves a bad taste in the minds of Factors, Brokers and Consultants,
but will cause any one of us to be leery of dealing with that kind of
business operator under any circumstances.

So What do we Suggest?

First, avoid at all costs allowing your business to get to the point of desperation. Unfortunately, we’ve seen fine but desperate people doing desperate things. And we’d hate to see you reach that point.

Call us first  ♦♦[818/ 594-1272]♦♦  and let us guide you to a good solution, even if it’s only a short-term solution. You’d be surprised at what positive outcomes can be accomplished when you have quality financial professionals working on your behalf.

Second, whatever problem you have, whether it’s… unpaid taxes, an existing loan that was just “called in,” or a recent bankruptcy, etc., – just be ‘up-front’ about your situation. We’ve witnessed our Funding sources bending over backwards to help viable companies work out or work around their predicaments. 

And it’s a delight, as a consultant, to work with these kinds of financing pros. 


#11 – And Now Good Readers – How about a Word or Two on

You asked for it, so here’s the straight skinny on how and why funds are advanced
to someone before his or her lawsuit is settled.  Legal Funding is also called

As few of us need be reminded, there’s a world of people out there who are hurting – through no fault of their own – and they need help. They’ve gone through some traumatic event, an auto accident or a fall off a ladder, for instance, and they’ve suffered severe injuries.

They received emergency treatment at a hospital, had to have some surgery, and then have gone through long-term therapy and rehabilitation. So as you can envision, all these occurrences dramatically altered their way of living because of their disability and not being able to earn a living.

Now they’ve hired an Attorney who has taken their legal case
“On CONTINGENCY.”  What does this mean? On this basis,
the attorney assumes most of the costs of pursuing the case —
contingent on
recouping both the expenses as well as the

legal fees upon favorable settlement of the case.  

Why does the attorney ‘front’ the case expenses?  Because he
or she apparently believes the injured person (the Plaintiff or
Claimant) was wronged and has a good chance of winning
|monetary remuneration from the party (the Defendant) who
caused the accident in the first place and the resultant damages. 

#12.  – Overview of a Personal Injury Case

Working through a P.I. case entails an extensive process of gathering all the information pertaining to the law case, both written and verbal. This includes medical and other reports, insurance documents, and a whole host of written questions & answers exchanged between the parties (plaintiff and defendant). After that, formal depositions are taken and expert witnesses may be called upon to garner more specific details about the incident.

The purpose of all this “discovery” of facts about the incident is to help ascertain fault, negligence (if any), the amount of  insurance coverage, etc., upon which to make a determination about “value of the case.”

There may be additional processes, legal scheduling and arrangements that the parties go through as well. The attorneys discuss and usually attempt to negotiate a fair settlement of the issues. This can take an agonizingly longtime, particularly in the eyes of the injured plaintiff. This all takes place BEFORE the law case is set for formal court trial. 

 The poor Plaintiff or Claimant, meantime, has incurred mounting debt – medical bills, mortgage and car payments, and daily living expenses – which he or she wasn’t able to pay because of the inability to work and earn a living. Got the picture?

Where Sea-Green Financial Services  and our Legal Funders come in — is when the Plaintiff finds himself with a big pile of bills, is maxed out on his credit cards and other financial sources, and is in dire financial straits. It’s at this point that he needs funds in a big hurry just to survive and feed his family. And this urgent need usually occurs around the “negotiating stage” of the legal case.

#13. –  So How does a Legal Funder Determine its Risk?

We talked about a person sustaining severe injuries from an auto accident that was in no way his fault. We also outlined the process of “discovery” in which the injured party’s attorney gathers enough documentation to establish the extent of his client’s injuries as well as the Defendant’s negligence in causing the accident. 

The remaining job now is for the Plaintiff’s attorney to negotiate a fair settlement with the defendant (usually the insurance carrier), considering all the medical treatment, loss of earning capacity and general lifestyle turmoil his client had to endure.
The long-suffering Plaintiff, meantime, has run out of money and wants to use his legal case as “collateral” to obtain some financing before his case settles.

**Why not ask for funds against the case sooner to avoid
     landing in the dire financial situation?

**Good question. The reason is that the plaintiff is still in
    “treacherous waters” as far as a funder is concerned
    because there’s insufficient information available on
    which to base a funding decision.

Initially, there’s simply NOT enough information, reports and documents that have been received by the plaintiff’s attorney to establish the validity of the Plaintiff’s claim. What information would such items convey?

        (1) negligence on the part of the Defending party;

(2) the potential settlement “value” of the Plaintiff’s claim
     [what the plaintiff may ultimately receive]; and

(3) an indication from the defendant’s insurance carrier as to
      how much they might “offer to pay” for the damages,
      injuries, future medical treatment, loss of earning power,
      etc., that the Plaintiff suffered. 


#14. –  OK, So When Can An Advance Be Made? 
When I inform people that we can get advances for Plaintiffs who’re waiting for a settlement of their law cases, their eyes start to bulge with excitement. Claimants and attorneys alike think – “Oh boy, I can get some money now – and whenever the case gets settled, the settlement funds can pay for the money I get!” 

Well, that’s not quite the whole story.

If you remember one thing from our previous blog, it’s this: Advances against a legal claim aren’t made until … (1) an attorney has received some evidence of insurance coverage, (2) discovery [fact-finding] has been mostly completed, and (3) an “Offer” of monetary settlement has been made.

  When a funder has this information, he can better assess
  what the case may be worth, that is, what it might settle
  for, and the risks involved in making an advance of funds. 
  You could say that this is the point where the required
  information is “in formation” (yikes, pardon the pun).

 So as you can see, this “time frame” for expecting to receive funding BEFORE your case settles [pre-settlement lawsuit funding] is toward the middle, or better yet, the tail end of the lawsuit – not just the starting point of a claim where investigation and corroborating evidence hasn’t even entered the picture.   

 And, of course, this is also one of the most frustrating times for the Plaintiff. He (or she) has been through the wringer establishing negligence on the part of the defendant. He has undergone trauma, pain from injuries, unpaid time off from work and major family disruption. He has provided all the necessary documents, attended depositions and medical examinations and undergone extended treatments.  So it’s difficult for him to understand why it’s taking so long to make settlement arrangements with the Defendant’s attorney and/or insurance company.  


#15. – Guess who’s got the time advantage?  [Year-end, 2011] 

Alright, here’s the rub: the suffering plaintiff just cannot fathom why a “deep-pocketed” insurance company can’t or won’t come up with the money to settle his case. And that, dear readers, is the crux of the matter. 

The defendant insurance company wants to hold on to its money as
long as possible. They figure if they can out-last or out-wait the Plaintiff,
he is likely to give in and take a lesser amount than he deserves simply
because he’s run out of funds to sustain his living expenses.

And this, my friends, is the insurance company’s advantage and the very
reason why the settlement negotiating time can take almost as long as the
information-gathering process. 

So as a favorite long-time broadcaster used to say at the end of each broadcast:     

~ And now you know… the R-E-S-T of the story! ~ 

Or at least that particular story.  To be continued…  ~ in 2012 ~

 Happy New Year !!  

In the interim – for any questions you’d like answered, please write  them in the Message box on our “CONTACT US” page.

We’d love to help you better understand the nature of personal injury as it pertains to Legal Funding. Look forward to chatting with you soon.  818/ 594-1272 — M.G.    


  ~ Now we come to  LEGAL FUNDING  for  LAW FIRMS

OK friends and skeptics all: If you’ve gotten this far in our Biz Blog, you’ll also
 want know a very appealing element in Legal Financing: Law Firm funding. And,
 like Plaintiff funding, it is also provided on a “Non Recourse” basis.
 Nonetheless, financing for a Law Firm works a little differently than it does for
 Plaintiffs. In what ways does it work differently and why?

Here are the chief Differences in Law Firm Funding vs. Plaintiff Funding

 1 –   Law Firm funding generally involves much LARGER amounts of money
       to be advanced than for a single Plaintiff. That’s because they are
       typically used for operating expenses of an entire law firm, not just for
       one individual. 

  2 –   Moneys advanced to Law Firms are typically used in handling serious
.        P.I. (personal injury) cases, medical malpractice, and class action cases
.       “on Contingency,” as described in #11 above. Patent Infringement cases
.       are also used for collateral, but we’ll discuss that scenario a little later.

      When Plaintiff clients are NOT required to pay attorney fees upfront, it’s primarily because the attorney strongly believes that awards will be made in favor of his/her clients, which is why the attorney has “skin in the game.”

      But the costs involved in evaluating a portfolio of cases used for collateral,  — which include filing the lawsuits, discovery of facts (gathering & exchanging myriads of documents, medical and other records, depositions, expert witnesses, etc.), not to mention the settlement negotiation process — add up to a hefty bundle. And those enormous costs still have to be paid when they come due.

3 –   The RISKS are much higher in Law Firm funding, in part because the evaluation process for multiple cases is more demanding than a single client case. Also, the legal cases put up for collateral are usually larger in size and complexity, and tend to be higher-risk situations where the outcomes are less certain. Thus the stakes are higher in these instances. 

4 –   But the best part is:  The REWARDS a Law Firm might expect to obtain as a result of financing through Legal Funders can be enormous. No bank can come near this kind of favorable risk-reward ratio. 

Let’s think about this for a moment:  If one or more of the collateralized cases settles in the $$ Millions (not unusual in a serious injury or Patent Infringement case), and the costs are only in the $$ thousands, that’s still only a small fraction of the law firm’s fees generated by such a large settlement. 

       Any questions you’d like answered?  If yes, kindly write them in the
Message box on our “CONTACT US” page.  We’d love to help you better understand the different aspects of Legal Funding. 

– I look forward to chatting with you soon.  —  M.G.

   Marcie Green – 818/ 594-1272

  Website: SeagreenFinancial.com  

Email:  Marcie@Seagreen4Cashflow.com


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